Thank you for visiting LinQ's recruitment page among the many recruitment sites available ☕️

Our mindset is that the company and the product are one and the same. whoo may be more famous than the company name, but we are looking for team members who will help create whoo without worrying about the details!


What fun!

LinQ is a company that creates excitement.

We develop products that fascinate people and create a world they can fall in love with.

This world is like the toy section of a department store.

At first glance, it may look chaotic and unorganized, but we offer an assortment of exciting and stimulating products that provide 'something fun' and will draw you in.

Let's develop products with that kind of excitement!

Introduction of whoo

Blog on the eve of the release of whoo…

なぜ、next zenly “whoo”を作ったのか

Nikkei newspaper

位置情報共有アプリ「ゼンリー」終了 後継アプリ人気

Other company research articles

位置情報共有アプリ『zenly』のサービス終了に伴う変化を調査! ユーザーの7割以上が代替アプリに移行(Appliv調べ)